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What Teachers Need To Know About Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

The role a teacher plays when it comes to kids with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is critical. Fear, confusion and worry make more parents seek help from teachers to help their children. It is all the more important for teachers to understand these conditions best and develop the best strategies to help such students. Teachers must possess a correct understanding about exactly what is Autism and ADHD and the various support available for those children who are affected.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD

ADHD is a condition that affects self-control, focus, and organizational skills that are vital in everyday living. Children with ADHD can extremely disruptive in their environments. These kids do not entirely outgrow this condition. However, the ADHD can be managed through a combination of medication and school support programs. As a teacher, be sure to look out for the above symptoms to identify such kids.

Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD

ASD like ADHD also affects an individual’s cognitive behavior. Children with ASD have difficulty in communicating and relating to people around them.  Every child with ASD has their own set of behavioural challenges. As such, every child has their own set of strategies to help them deal with ASD.

For kids with ASD, three areas prove to be most difficult. Understanding these areas as a teacher will prove helpful when developing learning strategies for these kids.

  • Social Imagination Difficulties

In this challenge, the kids find it difficult to understand and predict other people’s behavior. They also have trouble visualising different situations away from their everyday behavior. This makes it difficult for them to plan and manage non-routine situations.

  • Social Interaction Challenges

Autistic kids have difficulty relating to unwritten social norms, other individuals’ feelings and emotions. They too struggle with expressing their emotions. It becomes harder for such kids to interact with other people and form friendships. These kids too may present symptoms of sensitivity to smell, light, and sounds.

  • Social Communication Difficulties

These difficulties manifest in their verbal and non-verbal language. They take time to process language. Some struggle with speech, making conversations, using as well as understanding sarcasm and jokes. For non-verbal language, these children may not fully interpret facial expressions and body language.

 Strategies for Handling ASD and ADHD Kids   

The conditions are similar, and specific strategies can be adapted to both conditions.

  1. Create a Structured Environment

Kids with these conditions operate optimally in structured settings. They are more comfortable with routines and repetitive activities. Ensure there are minimal deviations in their routines. Their environment too should be structured in a way to help them predict events.

  1. Use of Visual Aids

Visuals are essential learning materials for kids with ASD and ADHD. Picture cards, photographs, drawings should be incorporated into their lessons and daily activities. It helps them efficiently absorb the content.

  1. The Power Of Positive Reinforcement

Once the kids have achieved a task, congratulate them. You could also adopt a reward system for them. This goes a long way in building on their confidence.

  1. Engage their Parents

These children need structure. It is in their best interest to have continuity both at home and at school. Develop a plan well as a schedule for activities the parents should undertake with their kids. It is essential that both the parents and the teachers work as a team on this.

  1. Use a Gentle Approach With The Kids

There are times the kids may be aggressive in their behavior especially when they are nervous, angry or anxious. Adopt a gentle way of calming them down when they are in this situation. If you’d like to learn more about ASD or ADHD in children then we recommend visiting Think Organise Do, the leading resource for parents and educators on how to overcome the everyday hurdles of those affected by ASD, ADHD and Intellectual Disability.

No matter what strategy is adopted, it should border within routine, attention and positivity.

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Top Treatments for Intellectual Disability

Finding the right treatment for Intellectual Disability (ID) patients is hardly an easy task.  Everyone in existence has a unique profile and the same rule applies to the ID. These individuals each have a unique personality and the severity of the condition can greatly differ in each and every person.  Functioning capabilities of some can be perfectly normal to extremely restricted in different individuals and the disability can affect specific functions such as language and communication, hearing, cognitive level, speech, emotional status, judgment capabilities and more in different ways.

The right treatment for the right restriction can, however, have a huge impact on the capabilities of ID individuals especially if they receive ongoing intervention from an early age or stage. Life quality and life functioning, as well as the ability to function independently, can greatly be improved with the correct treatment. If you’re looking for specific information about what is Autism or maybe general resources on intellectual disabilities then we recommend Think Organise Do’s learning platform for expert advise and information.

Here is a quick list of the most common treatments available for ID individuals;

Communication therapies

Communication treatments are one of the most important therapies to seek out because this can make a huge difference in the life quality of the ID as well as those that live with or care for them, especially for those who are seeing symptoms & signs of adhd in toddlers.  Speech and language development therapies are usually the first and best resolve for ID individuals even if that means using augmentative and alternative communication methods or aids.

Physical therapies

In many cases, ID results in physical problems.  Physical therapy is important to stimulate the body as much as possible so patients can regain or maintain movability, flexibility and with that a lot of independence when it comes to simple self-care tasks.

Behavioral Interventions

These therapies are designed to problematic behaviors such as violent behaviors, aggressive behaviors or inappropriate behaviors.  There are many different therapies for behavioral issues in ID patients such as applied behavior analysis (ABA), environmental arrangement, functional communication training, incidental teaching and more.

Special education

The capabilities of the ID patient will be evaluated and a special educational program needs to be identified in order to stimulate cognitive functioning and to get the best possible outcome for the condition.

Implemented treatment

In this treatment, peers will be incorporated to assist ID patients with communication in order to reduce isolation or to provide the patient with a role model.

Independence training

ID patients often benefit a great deal from therapy sessions that focus on independent living.  In these therapies, the patient will be evaluated and specific life skills will be taught to help the patient live as independently as possible.

Therapy for ID patients with ADHD or autism

It is not uncommon for ID patients to suffer from a coexisting disorder like ADHD or autism.  In these conditions, it can be particularly challenging to get along with an ID patient. ADHD patients have extreme communication and social interaction problems and will react completely different to others and to personal contact than a normal ID person.  Those with ADHD can be restless, incapable of focusing, can be reckless, impulsive and both ADHD and autistic ID patients are prone to meltdowns. Plenty of ADHD and autism therapies like occupational therapy can benefit these ID patients tremendously. They will learn to cope with their challenges that result from these conditions a lot better and a lot of focus is put on social interaction and communication so these individuals can function as normal as possible and get along better with peers and family members a lot better.

With the right support and therapy ID patients and their families can co-exist a lot easier and many challenges such as physical restrictions can be improved upon.  Early intervention is, however, the key to success for this type of condition.

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Tips To Reduce the Side Effects of ADHD Medication

Most of the ADHD medications meant to counter the effects ADHD have uncomfortable and harmful side effects. Most doctors result to changing the medication or dosage to reduce or eliminate the side effects of the drugs, but patient testimonies say that they still experience the side effects. The most common side effects of ADHD medication include:

  • Insomnia and other sleep-related disorders
  • Stomachaches and decreased appetite
  • Delayed and stunted growth
  • Headaches and nausea
  • Irritability when the medication wears off
  • Mood swings

A doctor can help in dealing with the side effects but if they are not of much help, we have prepared actionable tips to help in dealing with the side effects.

Sleep Problems

Create a regular sleeping routine that includes calming activities such as reading with a night light, bathing before bed, or listening to calming music. If you are taking long-acting medication, take it in the morning before 10am and short-acting medication in the afternoon after 3pm. If the sleep problems persist, switch to short-acting medications or cut out the afternoon dose. It is also advisable to cut out caffeinated drinks close to bedtime, as they are sleep deterrents.

It is also necessary that you avoid medications to induce sleep. When the sleep and ADHD medications are combined, the sleep medications will lose their effectiveness over time and will reduce daytime alertness. The combination might also cause nightmares and other sleeping problems.

Stomach Pain and Loss of Appetite

This is due to taking ADHD medication on an empty stomach. To counter this side effect, ensure that you take the medication immediately after eating. However, most Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder medication has a peak time of four hours, and when taken after breakfast, they may lead to the patient losing appetite and will not eat lunch. Encourage the patient to eat a healthy and balanced diet to before taking the medication and after the medication wears off. Also, encourage healthy snacking whenever they feel hungry.

Rebounding ADHD Effects

When the medication starts to wear off ADHD effects will start cropping up. This will cause irritability and moodiness. The rebound is common in stimulant medication compared to non-stimulant medications. Consult your doctor to prescribe long-acting medication or a fast-acting medication for when the medication wears off as well as a change to non-stimulant medication.

Mood Swings

The patient might not be aware of the mood swings, and it is necessary to have someone watch over them. Methylphenidate-based and dextroamphetamine-based ADHD medication can negatively affect the patient’s moods and cause anxiety. Consider changing the medication to non-stimulant ADHD drugs to address the mood swings.

Delayed Growth

Children taking ADHD medication experience this side effect, and boys in particular show delayed growth in the first year, but several studies show that they will catch up by the second and third year of medication, refer to Think Organise Do the leading resource on ADHD. However, this side effect does not manifest in girls. Encourage that boys take weekends and summer breaks from taking the medication, and they will not experience the delayed growth.

Headaches and Nausea

These side effects will most likely dissipate in a few weeks after starting on the ADHD medication and are common with short-acting medication. However, it can be minimized by taking the medication with food. Changing the dosage with long-acting medication as well as the schedule when they are taken can counteract the side effects.

Finally, finding the right ADHD medication is a trial and error method, and you ought to be in constant communication with an ADHD specialist to monitor the side effects. Patience is a crucial factor in getting the proper medication that will work, and it is paramount that you refrain from taking your ADHD medication without the consent of a doctor since they have withdrawal symptoms.